
Showing posts from February, 2020

Sacredness Of Your Ori: A Cultural, Personal and Spiritual Perspective

In my African Ancestry your head is referred to as your Ori which is a Yoruba word from West Africa.  In the middle of your Ori is what my East Indian ancestors call your Crown Chakra.  The Celts of Scotland according to archaeologist Anne Ross in her writings state that "the Celts venerated the head as a symbol of divinity and the powers of the otherworld, and regarded it as the most important bodily member, the very seat of the soul”. (1)  All three of my cultures above plus my Indigenous Carib, referred historically as Kalinago, holds great reverence to your head.  This area of the human body has great spiritual significance in all four of my cultural composition.  Your Ori is your "spiritual intuition and destiny which is the reflective spark of your human consciousness embedded into your human essence". (2) My African and Hindu heritages in particular believes covering this area is key, especially when you are praying.  Over time some people in my...