BEDROOM HEALING: The Sacred Sanctuary For Well Being. During these COVID Times we have discovered much about ourselves and it has led us all to implement changes in our lives so we can live a positive and healthy life. One area of our home that has taken on new meaning is our bedroom. Our bedroom is no longer the place we just plop into bed after a long day at work, sleep and rise again to go do the same thing all over again. Working from home has caused us to reassess the function of our bedroom. Our bedrooms have taken on new meaning to become a “Sanctuary Retreat” away from the rest of the family or disconnect from the digital world of televisions, cell phones, iPads, etc to hone in on some “Me Time” for pure comfort and tranquility prior to going to sleep. We all know the importance of sleep and if we get too little or too much it can alter our bodily functions. Finding the right balance for our bodies is key to optimum health. Scientific research agrees that a consiste...
Showing posts from December, 2020