Wondrous Womb Wisdom: The Significant Role Of The Spiritual Doula

Wondrous Womb Wisdom of The Spiritual Doula is an ancient healing modality and it is now an intricate part of the spiritual healing needed in the millennium era.  Modern day men and even women whom did not descend from a spiritually healing heritage may not even be aware of their family history due to secrecy and separation from spiritual healing modalities.  Everyone worldwide needs to read more on this topic so they can come into the fold of developing more compassion and respect for this ancient wisdom that continues to help thousands today.  

Becoming energetically connected to the mind power that underlies Womb Wisdom is being passionately loving towards self if you are a woman and it holds the key to your spiritual healing from various traumas.  If you are a man then extend passionate love to your life partner when it comes to her activating womb wisdom.  Men can also utilize this modality to activate their mother's womb wisdom for spiritual healing if they are out of touch with their compassionate side, if they need to be nurturing to self, if they lack respect for women and/or if they need to be more attentive to the needs of their spouse or significant other.

Womb Wisdom sometimes called "Red Tent Wisdom" in ancient times also refers to the sacred time when women went through their menstrual cycle.  This time was highly prized in ancient times because women's bodies was at its peak performance concerning a highly sacred womb bodily function.  This was commonly referred to in ancient times as "The High Body Cell Activation Time".  

High Body Cell Activation Time is when women in ancient times would go into an age appropriate retreat away from their parents at young adulthood age or away from their partners if they were married.  An allotted time from 5-14 days depending on each woman's menstrual cycle time would be the determining factor of their time spent at this "Red Tent Wisdom" session. Men were not allowed in these sacred spaces to see their spouses, or fathers to see their daughters. This was arranged and conducted under strict regulations to honor the privacy, relaxation needed at this time in a woman's life and safety of these women in attendance.  The Sacred Space with other females in the village whom they knew gave them the ability to freely communicate with each other as to what their body was undergoing.  This was seen as one level of women connecting to their true essence of being a Divine Feminine.  These monthly sacred sessions were highly recognized and respected by both the female and male population and it was under the guidance and expertise of a Red Tent Wisdom Doula who was not only a trained and approved Herbalist Sage, but also a midwife in charge of delivering babies in the village. Since adult women were away from their spouses at this time the men would take on the role of preparing meals for the rest of the family, or a mother or mother-in-law would step in to assist. Also, women during this time was not allowed to be active participant helpers in spiritual ceremonies, but could attend as an observer due to the sacredness of these ceremonies. This requirement is still honored today in sacred spiritual ceremonies on all continents. 

As Western cultures developed a more forceful patriarchal system different to what was known at the time, and contrary to a compassionate and merciful matriarchal system emerged unto the scene and began espousing a domineering methodology that refused to be in balance alignment with the existing matriarchal society.  This forceful patriarchal system was so adamant of not sharing power with the matriarchal system that the societal systems put in place through various societies began to oppress and suppress the directives of the matriarchal system.  The divisiveness agenda that developed over time denigrated all that was Divine Feminine and dictated ideas of shamefulness and powerlessness unto women about not celebrating their Sacred Divine Feminine Time with a Spiritual Doula.  Sacrilegious statements about The Divine Feminine beauty, discipline, ingenuity, and of course their Sacred Red Tent Wisdom System was invented and entrenched into all levels of society.  These ideas perpetuated over the centuries and continues until today.  These negative thought ideas such as "Menstrual Cycle Time is dirty", "menstruating affects women's abilities", "a woman's menstrual cycle incapacitates the minds of women so that they could not be mentally strong enough to hold the position of President of a nation or corporation in later years" was imbedded in minds as a form of socialization to believe in the untruths created to serve an agenda to debilitate the Divine Feminine.  These are all the common misguided perceptions that are entrenched in history and in literature, creating a programming of the minds of the human population worldwide.  

Today these statements are all being nullified as women take their rightful place in society again based on a meritocracy system.  The Divine Feminine has been reawakened. Without the presence of The Divine Feminine, society would cease to exist.  The balanced equilibrium between The Divine Feminine and The Divine Masculine is a societal must.  Even if The Divine Masculine wanted to attempt to suppress The Divine Feminine for the next millennium, its efforts would be thwarted.  For the time has come for both systems to be in balance with each other to usher in a new compassionate and respectful humanity.  By utilizing the strengths of both, Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine, the world can usher in a new humanity that serves the well being of all in the population. This directive is not of human creation, but a Universal Sacred Mandate.  The inner workings of The Shift this time around is simply out of the control of human manipulation.  May we all welcome in this balance between The Divine Feminine and The Divine Masculine for it promises to be for the highest and best for both sexes.  

For the female lineages that have suffered under the negative side of this newer patriarchal system unlike the original patriarchal system from ancient times, do seek out help to fully heal mind body spirit and soul which can only be administered by a trained Red Tent Wisdom Spiritual Doula.  This has been the go to norm for the past 10,000+ years, so do seek out these highly skilled women.  In modern times, we know these women to be the "Healer of Healers", otherwise referred to as "The Sacred Spiritual Doulas". This sacred knowledge, Red Tent Wisdom, is urgently needed now as we go through the last 3 years of this 13 Year Cleansing Cycle that will culminate at the end of 2025 in order to have a fruitful and holistic 2026 Shift for both The Divine Feminine and The Divine Masculine.  Receiving this healing is a necessity so that a release of the old thought patterns, old ways of doing things, anger, hate and revenge can be nullified.

Healing blessings of Love and Light as we embark on this grand lifestyle of full balance between the sexes so society can flourish at all levels of existence.  

#WombWisdom #RedTentWisdom #SpiritualDoula #AncientModality #SpiritualHealing #SacredFeminineTime #MenstrualCycle #HighBodyActivation #DivineFeminine #DivineMasculine #Balance #Alignment #NewHumanity #releaseoldpatterns #releaseoldways #TheShift #2026 #Compassion #Respect #HeartfeltLove #Mercy #Unity #Oneness 



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