Chanting A Soul Consciousness Activation

Chanting a repetitious recitation of a specific word or sacred text to a particular melody or tone that has been used in spiritual practices for centuries. Ancestral cultural heritages and Spiritual systems around the world whom utilizes chanting in their ceremonies believe that the tonal sound of chanting assists in activating the pineal gland of the brain to reach a higher state of consciousness known as Spiritual Soul Consciousness Activation.

In spiritual communities it is seen as a sound healing modality to go deep into meditation to calm the mind.  Early Christians in particular Mary, known to us today as Mother Mary was a stalwart practitioner of chanting.  Her family's Judaic Practices utilized chanting in prayers daily.  Mary carried this practice over to her son's teachings, now known as Christianity.  This practice was not scoffed at by Early Christians because it was a customary ritual in Aramaic speaking households, the language of Jesus Christ.   

Chanting promotes deep meditation in reaching higher states of consciousness and it is revered as an excellent spiritual practice.  Most Christians today, unlike other spiritual systems who still use this powerful spiritual tool, are not even aware of this historical fact in their own faith much less practice it.  Christian Monks and some Orders of Nuns are about the only ones left whom still make this part of their daily practice. 

Overtime we have seen the Christian faith diluted first as a result of various translations from its original text in Aramaic.  Also, decisions to "modernize" or "fit the society" we live in today and even eliminations of certain Books of The Bible to accommodate a decree order to unite a continent of people whom had deferring viewpoints about Christianity. This dilution of Christian text has contributed somewhat to the weakening of the power that lays within the original teachings and practices from the Aramaic text as you may find in other sacred languages used in current day spiritual systems.

If you are of Christian faith and feel misguided, disillusioned at times, lacking discipline and momentum in your daily prayer practices, then I would suggest you reconnect to an ancient practice of the Early Christians. Chanting in my ancestral heritage is seen as a spiritual practice that activates the pineal gland in your brain to heighten your consciousness which will strengthen your meditation connection to the energy forces within your body and auric field that can boost your faith practices and deepen your personal resolve to handle challenges in a calmer and logical manner.  This ritualistic practice of chanting captures the subtle  energies embedded within sacred texts and allows you the practitioner to capitalize on it as in The Power of The Songs of Solomon known as Psalms which is one of the most widely used section of  The Christian Bible.   

One of the Sageness Ancestral Practices I work with is chanting a specific sacred text or a Divine Name. Chanting is used as a form of meditation to allow the mind to disconnect from the outer world with all its distractions for a brief time in order to go inward for intuitive guidance for self, or to petition for prayer for another.  

If you are interested in experiencing or reigniting this ancient practice in your Christian faith for 2020 with a small group of your prayer partners, contact our office after the December 2019 holidays to schedule a Psalm Chanting Prayer Session.  

This blog is dedicated to the various nuns whom provided great spiritual guidance and wisdom to me as I walk my path on my life journey. Merry Christmas to them, all Christians and Happy Holidays to everyone else.

“CherCher Ajibike Sunshine" is the Author of "You Are Not Alone" Blog for Ajibike Universe as well as an Ancestral Intelligence Mindfulness Life Consultant, Reiki Master in the Tradition of Dr. Mikao Usui of Japan, and a Spiritual Sound Energy Wellness Practitioner.

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