AURIC CLEANSING: Release and Let Go
First an foremost what is an aura? in its second noted definition states that aura is "a subtly pervasive quality or atmosphere seen as emanating from a person, place or thing". Since scientists agree that everything in the world emanates some type of vibrational frequency, most people will agree that an auric field is an electromagnetic field that surrounds a person or thing. There are many articles on the web you can read concerning the levels of auras and its relationship to the energetic chakra points in the human body. However, my focus in this blog is on a specific modality for a specific purpose which is an idea that came to me during a meditation years ago. I followed my intuition and completed the ritual to my satisfaction. After speaking with others I realized that this is not such a new idea after all.
An Auric Bath is an energetic ritual that is still utilized in modern times as a Mind Body Spiritual Wellness modality that you perform alone to assist in your empowerment in becoming comfortable in your own skin, which frees you of inhibitions that you may have unknowningly projected unto yourself. This Ancestral Spiritual Healing modality dates back thousands of years on the African, European and North American continent.
Ajibike Auric Cleanse Affirmation:
I, state your full name come before you,
My Creator and The Creator of the Universe.
I request that you assist me in this auric cleansing bath.
An Auric Bath is an energetic ritual that is still utilized in modern times as a Mind Body Spiritual Wellness modality that you perform alone to assist in your empowerment in becoming comfortable in your own skin, which frees you of inhibitions that you may have unknowningly projected unto yourself. This Ancestral Spiritual Healing modality dates back thousands of years on the African, European and North American continent.
It is believed that an Auric Bath in ancient times was a preparation ritual for women and men whom were about to go through Marriage Rights. By a woman or man gaining mental strength in understanding and feeling comfortable with their body and knowing how to harness its power force, you can then be well versed in being an excellent sexual partner to your spouse, and bring enjoyment for your own sensuality. This skill was and is still seen as a fundamental bonding ritual in promoting a successful relationship amond some people today. The larger society may not even be aware of this modality, unless you come from a family, spiritual group or region that has passed down this knowledge.
Spiritual Cleansing, commonly known to many in 2020 because of the rise of informaton about living wholistically. Spiritual cleansing is not just relegated to the salt ocean, fresh river waters or taking a spiritual tub bath with herbs and/or essential oils. Spiritual cleansing also encompasses auric baths. At times during your life as situations arise, you will need to sit in silence void of any clothing to give yourself a Spiritual Energy Bath to release, let go and recapture your essential self. Such serious times might be the breakup with a loved one, divorce, the death of a spouse, and yes even soldiers returning from war to reacclimate themselves to civilian life to be able to be intimate with their spouse again.
A dilemna in our "Modern" society presents itself. Our society lives a duality of existence, so afraid to view their own bodies totally nude, yet clamors with excitement when little pieces of fabric, called bathing suits, barely covers reproductive and sexual areas. Thus, I would suggest you find a secluded beach cove, or a river deep in the forest void of human traffic in order to experience an Aura Bath Cleansing. If you can not get to a secluded area, you do not feel safe being there, or live in a cold climate, here is an indoor method if you so choose to use it instead of waiting until the summer months to go outdoors.
Purchase a child size inflatable pool from a recreational and/or pool store. Once set in place you will fill it with water to mimic a river or ocean. Some cultures like using an oversized stainless steel pan or even an old fashion wooden washtub. Please note, your bedroom MUST be clean, free of clutter and warm so you are not shivering. That would make this modality very uncomfortable and unenjoyable. Cleansing your body physically in the shower prior to this ritual is a must. Do not perform this ritual in a bathroom. Spread a large towel with a soft pillow on the floor to sit upright, totally nude in your bedroom. Place the pan/tub filled with water on the floor of your bedroom. You can choose to add some type of Sea Salt to the water if your mind directs you to. While you sit you will begin to pray which is crucial to this modality. Please note, you will not be sitting in the water. The water symbolically represents an ocean or river. You are sitting on the pillow and praying. (see sample prayer below)
This may seem odd to most Westernized individuals, but this simple and what you may think is silly will assist in cleansing your aura and help you to release some negative energies picked up on the battle field; release some inhibitions that you carry about your body; and let go of attachments to a previous lover/spouse that is no longer in your life. This methodology is NOT psychological counseling to help you heal from deep mental issues. You must seek out a Licensed Medical Doctor for mental issues which is a healthy decision to incorporate into your life. This is a spiritual modality to assist your soul in preparing yourself to begin the process of feeling free to begin a new life. As you are sitting, you will focus on performing prayers you like that empowers you to release and let go of inhibitions. Or you can use mine which is very simple. You can repeat as many times as you see fit. Repitition is a sound healing method. Since our body is energy and your neurological system operates on electrical pulses, the repitition of words is a sound signal that your brain picks up on which in turn activates your thinking pattern in your mind to actualize what is being said.
Purchase a child size inflatable pool from a recreational and/or pool store. Once set in place you will fill it with water to mimic a river or ocean. Some cultures like using an oversized stainless steel pan or even an old fashion wooden washtub. Please note, your bedroom MUST be clean, free of clutter and warm so you are not shivering. That would make this modality very uncomfortable and unenjoyable. Cleansing your body physically in the shower prior to this ritual is a must. Do not perform this ritual in a bathroom. Spread a large towel with a soft pillow on the floor to sit upright, totally nude in your bedroom. Place the pan/tub filled with water on the floor of your bedroom. You can choose to add some type of Sea Salt to the water if your mind directs you to. While you sit you will begin to pray which is crucial to this modality. Please note, you will not be sitting in the water. The water symbolically represents an ocean or river. You are sitting on the pillow and praying. (see sample prayer below)
This may seem odd to most Westernized individuals, but this simple and what you may think is silly will assist in cleansing your aura and help you to release some negative energies picked up on the battle field; release some inhibitions that you carry about your body; and let go of attachments to a previous lover/spouse that is no longer in your life. This methodology is NOT psychological counseling to help you heal from deep mental issues. You must seek out a Licensed Medical Doctor for mental issues which is a healthy decision to incorporate into your life. This is a spiritual modality to assist your soul in preparing yourself to begin the process of feeling free to begin a new life. As you are sitting, you will focus on performing prayers you like that empowers you to release and let go of inhibitions. Or you can use mine which is very simple. You can repeat as many times as you see fit. Repitition is a sound healing method. Since our body is energy and your neurological system operates on electrical pulses, the repitition of words is a sound signal that your brain picks up on which in turn activates your thinking pattern in your mind to actualize what is being said.
Ajibike Auric Cleanse Affirmation:
I, state your full name come before you,
My Creator and The Creator of the Universe.
I request that you assist me in this auric cleansing bath.
I hereby state that I release all that inhibits my growth.
I hereby let go of all energies that I may have unknowingly picked up.
I hereby let go of all energies that I may have unknowingly picked up.
I accept and cherish my body.
My body vibrates love and I receive love.
My body is healthy and I accept all healing.
I am blessed by your light, and I radiate your light.
I am empowered to move forward in my life.
I am loving and I am loved.
I deserve to be happy.
I choose to be happy.
I am happy.
I am empowered to move forward in my life.
I am loving and I am loved.
I deserve to be happy.
I choose to be happy.
I am happy.
So it is, So it is, So it is.
So shall it be. So shall it be. So shall it be.
So shall it be. So shall it be. So shall it be.
Ase, Ase, Ase.”
Please Note:
* Due to current societal rules on public nudity this should be completed in an allowed private location, or in the privacy of your bedroom or outdoor patio area that is private from your neighbors purview, and away from your children for privacy and respect reasons.
* Due to current societal rules on public nudity this should be completed in an allowed private location, or in the privacy of your bedroom or outdoor patio area that is private from your neighbors purview, and away from your children for privacy and respect reasons.
* Do have a journal and pen next to you to write down thoughts that enter your mind.
*If your religious views is against this, do not participate in this ritual. For your mind is a powerful tool and any negative feelings or beliefs against this modality should not be attempted for the guilt factor will overwhelm the benefits.
* Enjoy doing this. This is not about being serious and dogmatic. You are suppose to feel refreshed and joyful at the end, not tense and stressed.
* Enjoy doing this. This is not about being serious and dogmatic. You are suppose to feel refreshed and joyful at the end, not tense and stressed.
“CherCher Ajibike Sunshine" is the Author of "You Are Not Alone" Blog for Ajibike Universe as well as an Ancestral Intelligence Mindfulness Life Consultant, Reiki Master in the Tradition of Dr. Mikao Usui of Japan, and a Spiritual Sound Energy Wellness Practitioner.
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