WHEN YOU ALLOW OTHERS TO PUSH YOUR BUTTONS: A Failed Lesson In Boundary Establishment

Be Aware, Be Weary of some individuals whom pretend to reach out to you for answers or guidance even during a crisis, when in fact that is simply an excuse to get to you so they can disrupt your joy and peace that they see you carry.  It is not that you are acting cold and/or harsh, it is for your immunity protection.  The more depleted your energy becomes by being upset, is the more vulnerable your body becomes susceptible to dis-ease.

Despite all that is shifting right now in the world you would think that individuals whom are unhappy with their lives would reevaluate their circumstances to move in a new direction.  Absolutely not.  That is simply wishful thinking on the part of society whom resonnate on a compassionate frequency.  These anger-jealousy-rage-selfish mode individuals are still wallowing in what I call "Rut Haven". You can even begin to believe that these type individuals might actually feel good or even get a personal high when they see that they have gotten under your skin because you allowed them to push your buttons.

Let us all conduct a self-checkup on ourselves for temporarily putting our guards down during a crisis because we are being the compassionate, merciful person.  Let us remind ourselves that some humans even while in a crisis still bears their destiny path.  Their existence in this lifetime to learn a particular lesson of detachment from anger; detachment from complaint persona mode; detachment from the vices of greed, jealousy, rage and are literally joy and peace disrupters have obviously not fixed their issues as yet when you come in contact with them.  Thus, they are doomed to come back in another lifetime to work on the very same issue. 

So start loving them from afar, establish safe boundaries so your life can be the one you envision, create and harmoniously live as you see fit.  Understand that is not selfishness, it is Self-Protection.

“CherCher Ajibike Sunshine" is the Author of "You Are Not Alone" Blog for Ajibike Universe as well as an Ancestral Intelligence Mindfulness Life Consultant, Reiki Master in the Tradition of Dr. Mikao Usui of Japan, and a Spiritual Sound Energy Wellness Practitioner.

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