Be The Joy, Feel The Love

BE THE JOY, FEEL THE LOVE is the way to go as we usher in this phenomenal Winter Solstice on December 21, 2020. 
Many times most of us are looking for love in all the wrong places. Love abounds within our own energetic hearts and you simply have to activate it up to the surface heart if you feel it is dormant deep within the core of your energetic heart. 

Let me take you on a journey of Love Activation through Sound Healing by activating words to formulate thoughts and to ultimately manifest love with full action benefits. “I SEE LOVE, I SMELL LOVE, I HEAR LOVE, I TASTE LOVE, I FEEL LOVED”. It is that simple with a smile on your face that is genuine, verbal repetition, perceptive reality of love, and actualizing full manifestation of love within yourself first.  

Once you find love within yourself and understand that it surrounds you, then your aura begins to beam love outward casting a net in a full 360 degree spectrum. Instantly you start sharing that love with others making others smile; making others laugh; making others feel valued; and most of all letting others know they are loved which is the greatest healing tool for the mind, body, spirit and soul.  Start living life with love about everything and loving life, for love abounds all around you. 

Your circle of love even experiences a consistent replenishment by having an open heart to receive love back. You allow the frequency vibrations and the flower essence of love to wash you from the top of your head to the soles of your feet. Be Open to see love today.  I see you, I have confidence in you to manifest love in your life and the life of others. This the season of love. 

#LoveAbounds #LiveLife #LoveLife #LoveVibrations #LoveEssence #LoveYouFirst #ShareTheLove #ReceiveLove #FlowerOfLove #AbundantLove #BeOpenToLove #CircleOfLove

“CherCher Ajibike Sunshine" is the Author of "You Are Not Alone" Blog for Ajibike Universe as well as an Ancestral Intelligence Mindfulness Lifestyle Consultant, Reiki Master in the Tradition of Dr. Mikao Usui of Japan, and a Spiritual Sound Energy Wellness Healer.

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